Sudo Apt Get Install Unrar Free

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I just migrated from Raspbmc to OSMC on my Pi 1 B+ and rely heavily on SSH to manage everything. So I needed unrar and some other utilities, which where a breeze ton install on Raspbmc.

But with OSMC with basic configuration I had at first: Package 'unrar' has no installation candidate with /etc/apt/sources.list as:

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So I added:

Apart for some GPG errors (“ jessie Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553 NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010 NO_PUBKEY CBF8D6FD518E17E1”) and the requirement that I add the package without verification, it did:

But the installed unrar just produce: Segmentation fault

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I thought that maybe my installation was corrupted or something, or that the “15.2 release candidate” still had problems, so I reinstalled the last “15.1 stable” from scratch and deactivated the updates.

To no avail, I’m still stuck with unrar Segmentation fault.

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Any idea what’s going on? Thanks.