Solar Energy Free Installation

Solar Road Systems use heated roads to prevent ice forming

  1. Can You Really Get Solar Panels Installed For Free
  2. Comcast Free Installation

Solar Energy Home Installation Saves Money Depending upon how large your home is, adding solar panels could help you save over $200/ a month when compared to your current utility bill. The compounded savings just by installation of solar energy system, could very well be over $60,000 over the time of solar use. Solar Power Purchase Agreement vs. Free home solar power installation is tied to a solar lease or power purchase agreement. Leases and PPA’s are very similar and you can read the details of each on other pages within this site.

ICAX Solar Road systems use under road heating to.....

  • collect solar heat from road surfaces in summer, store heat in thermalbanks for anti-icing in winter
  • provide ice and snow-free roads automatically
  • reduce reliance on expensive grit and salt machinery
  • deliver safer roads, reducing suffering and damage from accidents
  • improve the environment by reducing salt pollution to the water table
  • reduce winter journey times to help commerce and private motorists
  • speed clearance of the transport network, since all routes can be cleared simultaneously
  • increase life of the road surface, reducing closure time for repair of pot holes and surface damage
  • apply to new roads or retrofits

BBC Radio on Interseasonal Heat Transfer

On Monday 18 January 2010 BBC Radio Devon ran an article on Under Road Heating and Interseasonal Heat Transfer following the closure of the A38 at Haldon Hill near Exeter on 12 January from heavy snow falls for the second time within a year. Listen to BBC Radio Devon interview with Edward Thompson of ICAX Ltd.

Haldon Hill on the A38 near Exeter - Snowbound
Tuesday 12 January 2010

Solar Energy Free Installation

Black tarmac roads absorb solar heat and reach high temperatures

A black tarmac road in full sunshine will often reach 15°C higher than the ambient air temperature. ICAX captures this free energy in summer (reducing the peak temperature at the surface) and returns the heat in winter (to increase the winter temperature above freezing point) using a variant of under floor heating to provide under tarmac heating.

Seasonal Heat Transfer - Heated Roads - Under Road Heating

ICAX uses Seasonal Heat Transfer to capture summer heat from asphalt road surfaces with Asphalt Solar Collectorsand store the heat in ThermalBanks in the ground until it is needed in winter to maintain Solar Road Systems above freezing point.

Successful trial of Under Road Heating at Toddington Services

See the extended report by Transport Research Laboratories on the successful two year Toddington demonstration of Interseasonal Heat Transfer: TRL report on IHT for roads. Under Road Heating at Toddington is also featured in a BBC London News clip. To see video click on:

Successful trial of Under Road Heating at Hiroshima

ICAX Solar Road Systems clear snow using under road heating

Interseasonal Heat Transfer

The primary function of Interseasonal Heat Transfer is to heat and cool buildings without burning fossil fuels by means of exploiting Ground Source Energy.

See Deicing Heathrow with geothermal heating.

Green Heat | Green Cooling | Green Energy Options | Ground Source Energy

Services » Remodeling Services » Installation of Solar Panels for photovoltaic energy

Solar Energy Free Installation

Installation of Solar Panels for photovoltaic energy

Solar panels on the roofs of houses mean their owners are less dependent on the public electricity supply. However, rent-payers can also produce solar energy: there are photovoltaic panels which are connected by a simple plug, which supply the energy they produce to the home. If the tenant changes his address, he can simply take the installation with him. The panels can be positioned on the roof, in the garden on a support, and, in Northern European countries, even on the balcony.


Can You Really Get Solar Panels Installed For Free


Comcast Free Installation

· House painting
· Waterproofing
· Overhaul
· Bathroom renovation
· Kitchen remodeling
· Installing false ceilings
· Installing parquet or wooden flooring
· Construction of pergolas
· Installation of Solar Panels for sanitary hot water
· Installation of solar panels for photovoltaic energy
· Electrical installation
· Fitting wooden doors
· Aluminium carpentry reforms