Free H501sal000 Installation Instructions

Free h501sal000 installation instructions

SR9500LS Electrical Manual Download Manual. Installation Instructions - Older Manuals (Pre-2016) Locate Old Manuals in Archive. Product Documentation. Speed-Commander™ Series. Speed-Commander™ 1400 SEL Download Document. Speed-Commander™ 1400.

Installing your theme is just as easy and installing WordPress. You are going to have to download WordPress first and upload it to your server. The following will show you how to install and get you setup and ready to go


First you are going to have to download WordPress and install the files on your server, there are many ways to accomplish this. Please click the following links below to help you further.

  • Download the latest version of WordPress
  • Learn how to install WordPress on your hosting provider. Installation Instructions

Demo Content

Saving time on making pages and getting the hang of WordPress and our themes will make your life simpler by uploading the xml file provided within “dummy-data” folder, once you have the file follow the following instructions for upload:

Free H501sal000 Installation Instructions Pdf

  1. Log into your site as an administrator.
  2. Make sure you activated your new theme before proceeding.
  3. Go to Tools → Import
  4. Choose “WordPress” from the list.
  5. Upload the demo content .xml using the form provided on that page.
  6. You will be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the blog or to create a new user.
  7. You will then have the choice to import attachments, so click on the “Download and import file attachments” box.
  8. Please be patient while WordPress imports all the content. Posts, Pages, Projects, and Menus are imported. You will need assign the menu a theme location & you’ll need to configure widgets


Upgrading your theme is a simple click process that you will not need to worry. Please make sure to use our and install it and make changes and add files as you please. All upgrades will of course overwrite any existing changes you made on parent theme, so make sure to install child theme and make changes.

Free H501sal000 Installation Instructions Manual

Important FAQ

Free H501sal000 Installation Instructions Download

  • How to optimize my site? – Please read this article to see how to optimize your website:
  • How to protect my site? – Please check out this website to improve security and understanding ways people can hack your website:
  • How to translate or rename default theme labels?– You can use Codestyling localization plugin ( to translate/rename all theme’s labels. Other solution is to edit theme folder/languages/en_US.po file directly in editor and manually edit labels you want to translate.